Key Contacts
Training Programme Director for Rheumatology: Dr Susie Earl
Head of School of Medicine: Dr Kathy Woolson
Deputy Dean for Medicine: Dr Jon Francis
Education programme Manager: Naomi Mallinson
NHS England, South West (Peninsula) supervises all postgraduate medical specialist training in the Devon and Cornwall region for Rheumatology.
Information about the Specialty
This programme aims to provide a very high quality of Rheumatology training.
The hospitals included on the training rotation are Royal Cornwall Hospital (Truro), Derriford Hospital (Plymouth), Royal Devon and Exeter (Exeter), Torbay Hospital (Torquay), Taunton and Somerset Hospital (Taunton) and North Devon (Barnstaple Hospital)
We have six Rheumatology posts in the Peninsula, one at each of the above hospitals, Two of the training posts are for registrars wishing to train in both Rheumatology & General (Internal) Medicine (Taunton & Barnstaple). Registrars rotate between hospitals once a year at the beginning of August.
Annual Assessment Information
Trainees undertaking Higher Specialist Training are required to have an annual assessment (ARCP).By clicking on the your specialty you will find the requirements for your assessment. The checklists are by no means exhaustive and it is advised that you communicate with your Training Programme Director or Educational Supervisor for more detailed requirement information once you have been scheduled for an assessment Please use these checklists as a guide when preparing for your assessment. Its is your responsibility to check what is expected of you and prepare accordingly. The JRCPTB website is an invaluable source of assessment information.
The Training Hospitals
Royal Devon and Exeter NHS Foundation Trust
South Devon Healthcare NHS Trust
Royal Cornwall Hospitals NHS Trust
Taunton and Somerset NHS Trust
Northern Devon District Healthcare NHS Trust
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