School of Medicine 



Welcome to the web pages for Peninsula Postgraduate School of Medicine.

Interim Head of School - Dr Kathy Woolson 

Deputy Dean for Medicine: Dr Jon Francis

Education programme manager - Naomi Mallinson 

The South West Peninsula Deanery was established on 1 April 2005 and is responsible for the commissioning and quality assurance of postgraduate medical and dental education and training across Devon and Cornwall.

Peninsula Postgraduate Medical Education is part of NHS England, South West, NHS England and is under the direction of the Postgraduate Dean, Dr Geoffrey Smith

The vision of Peninsula Postgraduate Education is to promote the delivery of high quality patient care through the provision of a highly skilled medical workforce.

The website is designed to introduce you to the Training Schemes and for you to take the opportunity to explore and the types of training that are available.

School Purpose

The aim of the School of Postgraduate Medicine, within the Peninsula, is to deliver excellent education and training in medicine in general and its specialties.
The school will deliver the requirements of the GMC for Internal Medicine training, stage 1 and specialty education programmes within the Peninsula, embracing the needs and interests of all parties involved – to include the organisation, the Royal College of Physicians, the GMC, the employing Trusts and the Peninsula Medical School.

In particular the school aims to achieve the following functions:
To ensure that the provision of education in the Medical Specialties is of a consistent high quality across the region.

  • To manage the process of selection into IMT level and into the higher specialty levels.
  • To Recommend placements of trainees into appropriate training locations.
  • To ensure adequate delivery of the processes of induction and appraisal.
  • To oversee the implementation of competency based assessment in medical specialties, including Internal Medicine Training and Fixed Term Specialty Training Appointments.
  • To introduce and manage effective reviews of trainee progress, by a system of annual review (ARCP), including recommendations for awards of CCT.
  • To oversee and manage the development and delivery of training courses to support the medical curricula for all levels of trainee.
  • To contribute to the development of the NHS England strategy for training physicians as the MMC reforms for post-foundation training evolve and to develop the strategy in conjunction with key stakeholders.
  • To ensure that the School delivers a strategy for training in research and teaching skills.
  • To assist the organisations Quality Assurance Coordinator on the quality control of training as laid out by the GMC, and to ensure that necessary reports are produced by training supervisors in the medical specialties and by heads of specialty programmes and schools.
  • To ensure that policies for dealing with trainees in difficulty are followed in all medical specialties, and that the Educational Supervisors have appropriate training for this role.
  • To ensure that policies for selection skills training are applied within the School.
  • To review the results of feedback surveys, including the GMC Trainees' survey, and ensuring that appropriate responses and actions are made. 
  • To appoint (in conjunction with other interested parties, (e.g. RCP, Trusts) the key educational posts (IMT and STC chairs, College Tutors and Educational Supervisors), in an open and transparent fashion.
  • To prepare written reports (probably annually) for submission to South West Peninsula Postgraduate Medical Education and College.